Friday, April 18, 2008

Kemahiran camp 2oo8

skipped school..skipped class..skipped tuition..and also skipped my sleeping time? get what i really really wanted long time ago..rambu muda :)
at the same was just around the corner..rushing log books plus preparation for camp were something i didnt expect myself to finish em on time..oh well..nothing is impossible :D

so camp was last week..

and this year..istiadat pembukaan was on the 1st night
form 4's :D

started backwoods with jou and phebe after istiadat..


we got the best cake jou! :D

strawberry from zu and peckie's backwoods..heh :p

the next morning..went to the market :)

halangan komando (:

during MK practice.

we did zapin for mk again..surprisingly we did not screw up heh.
aik and i :)

on the last day..we did our old hag's bivouac :)

and we're proud of it :)


titi goyang..

modern cooking :)

last but not least..congrats too all rambu holders :)

thats all!
much love :)

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