Tuesday, September 02, 2008

wen wen's sweet sixteen

so its like a tradition going curve to get present for the birthday girl /boy before the party..no?peckpeckpeck! LOL x)

wen had a bbq/steamboat party at her place and the food was two thumbs up :)

'eh she's like avril only'
'yeah i just had a concert yesterday! LOL'
'lol, sooo how many people went ah?'


scouters dropped by

miss penny,who's leaving to singapore to further her studies
although its just 4 hours drive there, but we'll still miss you :')

horng shainn was there :)

so where's the birthday girl?
wen with her 2 kg cake :)


we ran out to catch the fireworks from curve

everyone went high after that,

not so crazy..

aiklynn aiklynn lol

hmm the rockstar may?

laugh out loud xD

another collection for jump shot :)

Happy Sweet Sixteen Wenwen!
hope you had fun, cause i did :)

much love :)

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