Tuesday, January 13, 2009


it's dying. Mhm so i said i'll update more? opps, but school, it has been really busy, plus am trying to stick to my new year resolution, like?

-sleeping at 4 in the morning..
-stoning in front of the computer for hours
-sleeping in class
-ponteng class?
-skipping school for fun
-escaping from homework

HAHA yes i tried/trying, somehow, its working? and for once im passing up my homework!? lol
phew, 2 more weeks to Chinese New Year! soon enough there will be more tung tung chiang music everywhere. okay back to work now, I promise i'll blog again, soon :D

aaaahhh, i miss those days :]

time, is going by, so much faster than I,
maybe you just don't realise?

much love.

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